Cash App
Nissin Cup Noodles
Brief: To get Gen-Z to opt for Nissin Cup noodles instead of visiting authentic ramen restaurants.
Insight: Gen-Z is broke but doesn't shy away from showing off.
Big idea: We celebrate some ironies they experience on the daily.
Art Direction: Me :)
Visit Finland
Brief: Create a travel campaign to promote a lesser-known tourist destination.
Insight: What may seem quirky to the rest of the world is totally normal in Finland.
Big idea: We show people Finland's idea of a conventional vacation.
Art Direction: Anju C.
AntiSocial University
Brief: Create a campaign that encourages students to be a part of AntiSocial Solutions' university.​
Insight: Interns are encouraged to have coffee chats but are broke. On the other hand, local brands don’t get enough exposure.
Big idea: AntiSocial University partners with local cafes to encourages college students to have as many coffee chats as they want. Best students get a chance to intern at AntiSocial University.